The frequency of beach closures due to bacteria contamination has increased dramatically in recent years. Testing of the local tributaries mirrors a trend of increasing levels of bacteria that is now present in our rivers as well.
Two major sources of this pollutant are leaking sewer pipes and septic tanks. When we flush our toilets the wastewater flows to a pumping station where it then is placed under pressure as it is pushed to the next pumping or “Lift Station”. This raw sewage flows under pressure until it ultimately reaches a downstream wastewater treatment plant.
As the wastewater pipes
age over time they are subject to leaks and frequently will crack, collapse
or separate thereby allowing the pressurized wastewater to leak into the
surrounding soil. A plume of contaminated groundwater can easily flow
downhill ultimately making its way into streams and waterways.
Stormwater pipes are frequently located near the pressurized wastewater pipes and can also transport the contaminated groundwater as it seeps inside the pipes through leaking connections and cracks.
Additional sources of bacteria include bypassed and failing septic tanks,
stormwater runoff, sanitary sewer overflows, failing wastewater treatment
plants, livestock operations, domestic pets, and wild animals.
A concentrated effort should be undertaken to inspect the integrity of the existing wastewater network of pipes and pumps. Leaking and inefficient septic tanks should also be repaired and replaced as needed. During the identification and repair/replacement period, proprietary bacteria control technology systems should be introduced to impact and remediate the streams. When the source of the bacteria has been identified and addressed these systems should be removed.
Restore The Rivers * 3088 Country Club Blvd. * Orange Park, FL 32073 Phone 904-327-1202 *
Info@restoretherivers.com * www.restoretherivers.com
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